15 “budgie” products to avoid with parakeets/budgies

Just because something is advertised as being safe for a budgie/parakeet does not necessarily mean they are. These are 15 products I’ve seen at pet stores that i would never buy for my flock. I am not saying i haven’t purchased these products, so don’t feel bad if you look at this list and go oh crap i have that just try your best to learn and make changes as you learn! no one starts out perfect, there is always more to learn about parrots.
If your budgie is cracking their seeds their is no benefit to them having grit. Actually grit can be more of a hazard for your budgie as it can cause a crop impaction which can be life threatening if you are unable to get your bird to the vet in time.
Happy Huts
This is something i had at one point with my late budgie when she first started plucking i was concerned about her getting cold. Happy huts are not going to keep your bird warm they are going to cause them to get hormonal and lay eggs or get super frustrated. Budgies also LOVE to preen things, toys and guess what usually that happy hut, all that fluff if they ingest it can cause a crop impaction.
Toys made of cotton rope
Based off the last 2 products I’m sure you can imagine what i am going to say about this… Crop impaction. cotton is not digestible or pass through the bird easily.
Cheap harnesses
Personally i don’t like harnesses on budgies at all but if you are able to condition your bird properly to wear one PLEASE invest in a high quality one not an 8$ one from amazon. these can damage feathers and irritate your birds skin.
Oven baked “cookies” for parrots
Cooking up food for parrots introduces inflammatory into their diet.
Treat sticks
Everyone has seen those treat sticks that are a bunch of seeds held onto a stick with honey (or some other sugary syrup) with a photo of a cute little budgie on the front of it. These are absolute garbage, your birds should NEVER be eating that much sugar, sugar is okay in moderation from fruit etc. but no unnatural sugars please.
Fluffy toys
I know its been a couple points since I’ve talked about crop impaction but here we are again. Another product that can cause crop impactions.
Mirrors are something that a LOT of budgie owners get initially. In the short parrots are not smart enough to know what their reflection is, To learn more Are Mirror Bad For Parrots?
Bird Shampoo
Have you ever seen a parrot in the wild looking for bird shampoo to clean themselves? no. This is a completely unnecessary product and as we all know parrots have sensitive respiratory systems, these sprays are not good for them to breathe in. Also parrots preen themselves, you have no idea what that is made out of.
Flavoured millet
The natural stuff works just as good is cheaper and you wont be giving your parrot unnecessary artificial flavours.
Bird “safe” candles
regardless of if it does not have the scents or whatever their marketing is telling you is killing birds. You are still burning something, something is being released into the air for your parrot with a sensitive respiratory system will breathe in.
Artificial pet store treats
I keep my birds to seed or fruit or nuts as treats. Any of those cute artificial treats you will find at a pet store are not good for your bird and again, why feed your bird something artificial if they don’t need it?
Want to learn more about Budgie birds? on optimal avian you can learn all kinds of information about Budgies like;
- What is a budgie
- Budgie vs parakeet
- How to tame a budgie
- How much do budgies cost
- How to take care of a budgie
- How long do budgies sleep
- How long do budgies live
- What are blood feathers
- Budgie cages
- Budgie toys
- Natural perches for budgies
And other information you will need to know if you plan to adopt a parakeet.