
Gifts For Parrot Owners!

Parrot owners are crazy for their birds, but also can be picky about what their bird receives, some of the items big box pet stores sell are not so safe. This is a safe list of items you could gift your the parrot lover in your life! All the photos of these products are off amazon and can be found there.

  • “poop off”; poop off is an amazing cleaner that is completely bird-safe made from plants that are safe on nearly all surfaces. It makes it much less time-consuming to clean up the stuck bird droppings. Less time cleaning = more time with the birds = happy bird owner.
  • Scrub brushes of all kinds; toothbrushes for tight spaces, there are also other options like the Rubbermaid reveal scrub brushes, or just hand and nail scrub brushes, or dish washing scrub brushes. Any scrub brush is amazing! No one wants to scrub with a rag!!

  • Nutri – berries; these are a treat created by avian veterinarians that come in a few flavours and also are great for keeping the bird busy, if you wanted to go an extra level with this gift you could also get a foraging ball toy which keeps the parrot busy even longer!
  • Pet store gift card; if you know of a pet/bird store they shop at often a gift card there is always a great option. Being able to go in and spoil your bird is always a fun thing to do!
  • Bird toys; always go for bird toys that can be destroyed with no mirrors or plastic bits, avoid toys with yarn or rope that is easy to pull apart, they are usually the safest option.
  • Custom necklaces etc. with their bird on it. (Etsy is a great option)
  • Interactive bird toys – interactive bird toys give the bird owner and bird something new to learn and play with together!