
30 Reasons why Budgies are the best!

I have had 5 budgies over the years. I love them! I will never not have budgies!

I still post this with caution since I don’t want to encourage impulse purchasing budgies because they are still difficult parrots and have their flaws and not everyone will enjoy living with them but I want to share some of the good since i notice there is a big focus on why they suck.

  1. They are so active and fun to watch as well as interact with
  2. They can be extremely loyal once they are bonded to you
  3. They come in LOTS of colours!
  4. They are VERY smart!
  5. They sing a lovely song!
  6. Inexpensive in relation to larger parrots Realistic Budgie Startup Cost
  7. easier to find pet sitters for than larger birds
  8. They are happier in multiples so it give you an excuse to have more than one! Can you have a budgie/parakeet alone?
  9. Can live a long time if cared for properly (fortunate for you, you are in the right place to learn)
  10. They love to sing with music
  11. They don’t require a bird room like some large parrots (a bird room would still be beneficial for them though!)
  12. They are affectionate
  13. They help you reuse household items, those toilet paper rolls… you can make bird toys out of them… egg cartons, old cardboard boxes broken down… budgies love them!
  14. You can teach them all kinds of fun tricks! – waving, spinning, ride a skateboard. The Foundation Of Trick Training For Parrots! – How To Start
  15. Spending time with birds can be great for your mental health!
  16. So many cool DIY play stands you can make them to enrich their lives, because they are small light birds you dont need to reinforce them as much as you would for say a macaw
  17. Easier to travel with than large parrots
  18. Bird cages are cheaper because they are not as big How To Set Up The PERFECT Parrot Cage?
  19. bird toys are cheaper because they are smaller
  20. They eat less so you can spend money on quality food
  21. They are super inquisitive! – as i write this i have 2 budgies waddling over to me and investivating this laptop thing!
  22. They don’t require as much time as other parrots – some parrots need HOURS of attention daily and this can be difficult for someone who can’t dedicate their life to their parrot, but with budgies if you only have 1 hour to give them attention while it is not ideal they will be okay so long as they have companionship else where
  23. Budgies can learn to talk! How To Teach a Parrot To Talk?
  24. They are generally pretty Friendly
  25. They are ADORABLE!

Why Parrots SUCK! – since its not all butterflies and rainbows