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4 Myths About Parrots/Budgies

Budgies are one of the most popular pet birds kept in our homes. They are also very misunderstood, people seem to think they have entirely different care because they are a parakeet and it is commonly misunderstood that parakeets are parrots. To help you learn and grow from potentially making the same mistakes I did here are some common myths and the reason why they are myths;

Cage Size

  • Often times people believe that budgies and other small parrots are completely fine in those little pink castle bird cages you find at pet stores, they are small Afterall how much will they really fly? truth be told budgie birds have been known to fly in the wild up to 100 miles in a day. This means they really need a large cage as large as you can afford, often times flight cages go on sale on websites like amazon. I previously wrote an article about how much time parrot need outside their cage How Much Time Do Parrots Need Out Of Their Cage?.
  • “My bird is always outside their cage” lets not forget cages are not bad if you have an appropriate size bird cage with lots of foraging opportunities and toys your bird will have enjoy their time in their cage when you are at work or running to the grocery store.


  • they don’t need vegetables, I hear this a lot with budgie owners, since they eat primarily grass seed in the wild. it is important to remember that all parrots regardless of their size need a diverse diet and that does include veggies.
  • Different Veggies, fruits, nuts and seeds have different vitamins and minerals, completely ignoring one of those food groups will result in a nutrient deficiency in your pet budgie/parrot
  • to learn more Basics of a Small Parrot Diet

Small homes

  • they are good for small homes. yes they are going to be better from someone living in a small space than a macaw but that being said you still need room for a large cage and you still need room for playstands and for them to fly around the home, if that is something your small space cant provide even a budgie might not be the right pet for you.
  • Having room to explore and forage and fly is crucial to the physical and mental health of your bird. to learn how to make your bird have the best time out of their cage check out – Parrot Enrichment: Think Outside The Cage

they scream 24/7

  • Parrots who are having their physical and mental stimulation needs met with foraging toys, training to keep them occupied, the proper diet, and adequate time outside their cage for flying will not scream 24/7. screaming is a form of communication. to learn more about screaming How To Get A Parrot To Stop Screaming!?

 Some Bonus Myths

Budgies are cheap

While budgies are cheaper than large parrots as their toys are cheaper, their cage does not take up half your living room and they do not eat as much, you will still go through a LOT of toys with budgies and that adds up, ontop of needing to have a diverse variety of fruits, veggies, seeds, nuts, sprouts and herbs it adds up quite fast. That is not even counting vet bills and other expenses you will incur during parrot ownership. 

Budgies do not need vet care because …

Any one who says this to you is full of it. ALL pets need vet care, it is a crucial part of keeping your feathered friend happy and healthy. The size or price tag of a pet is not the determining factor of whether or not it deserves health care, all living beings need health care. 

Budgies are super quiet

Yes, they are quieter than larger parrots but they still are not quiet they will chatter amongst themselves a good portion of the day, chirping is their way of communicating. 

they are easy pets

no pet parrot is easy, regardless of the size. They are an exotic wild animals, they spend most of their day in the wild busy searching for food flying etc. These energy levels do not just vanish in captivity. 

Smaller parrots like budgies also tend to be more difficult to handle since they are so skittish and flightie. Their small size makes them more fragile so you really need to be aware of how you handle them. 


Now you know more than the average budgie owner congratulations!!!!

You know;

Why flight cages are so popular

Why veggies are an important part of a budgies diet

Why budgies may not be ideal for a SUPER tiny home

Why they will scream and how to prevent it

No one starts out a perfect parrot owner, so don’t feel bad if you do any of these now. I once made all these mistakes too! That’s why I share the content I do so no one feels bad and can learn without feeling guilty.