
5 Good Store-Bought Parrot Treats

  • Millet
  • Seed/nut blend
  • Nutri – berries
  • Avi – cakes
  • Dried fruit blends

Millet – is a great option for smaller parrots, it is honestly the closest thing I have found to drugs for birds. millet is fantastic because it tends to be a very high-value treat for quite a few small birds. Which makes it a fantastic training treat for those jackpot rewards or flight training. When you buy millet at the store you can save some of the seeds and plant them which means you will always have it on hand for those amazing training sessions. You want to wait until the spray millet turns yellow on the plant before you harvest it.

Dried fruit – as long as you are purchasing just dried fruit not dried fruit covered in sugar this is a great store-bought treat for your avian. Fruit is an important part of their diet (a small part) but important especially for birds like caiques who are quite busy and high-energy birds!

Nuts – again as long as they are raw nuts they are a great store-bought treat for your bird (yes fruit and nut blends are good!)

Nutri – berries/Avi – cakes are a fantastic store-bought treat that you will feel comfortable feeding your bird as they are avian vet-created. These treats are also great for putting in toys so your bird forages. They also come in a few flavours so you can change it up and find your bird’s favourite flavour.

(These screenshots are from