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5 Signs Your Parakeet Loves You!

Everyone wants their budgie/parakeet to love them! why wouldn’t you? I think I can vouch for the large majority of parrot owners in saying our biggest goal is to ensure our parrots are happy and healthy. It can be difficult to tell if your parrakeet loves you if you are new to budgies.

5 signs your parakeet loves you
5 signs your budgie loves you
5 signs your parrot loves you
  • Flying to you
  • Preens you – your bird may start nibbling your hair or face similarly to how they would their budgie flock friends.
  • Cuddles up against you – if your bird enjoys being around you that is a great sign that they love you if they did not want to be around you and are flighted – Can You Clip Parrots Wings?
  • Singing – a vocal parakeet is a happy parakeet. their are specific tones they will make if they are pissed off or hungry but for the most part a vocal, singing/warbling budgie is a very happy bird!
  • sleeps on you – this is the ultimate sign of relaxation and comfort. My childhood budgie took a couple years to get there but eventually she would just fall asleep on me this is honestly the best feeling you will ever feel when it comes to budgie ownership in my opinion.

*disclaimer that every bird is different*