Tips and Tricks

5 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Got Budgies/Parakeets

There is SOOO much to know when you first decide you want to get a budgie bird, it can be overwhelming. To help you on your journey to become the best prepared for your new budgie/parakeet these are 5 things I wish I knew about living with budgies before I got them.

Constant chatter

Budgies are very different from other parrots like macaws, everyone will warn you macaws are loud and often times people will say budgies are loud and yes they can get loud but its more so a constant chatter. Happy budgies will be chattering amongst each other and singing. I think it is a pleasant sound, some may not. Once you get a budgie don’t every think your house will be quiet again (except for night time because budgies don’t sing and sleep… they haven’t figured that out yet haha)


I hope you like cleaning, because there will always be bits of seed, feathers, poop and toy debris everywhere! I can vacuum around my budgies area (2 budgies) and within the next 10 minutes there is more debris on the floor.

How many toys they go through

They are so little yet when they decide they want to they will destroy every toy in sight easily! You want toys they can destroy. Toys can get expensive but there are ways you can save money on toys 5 DIY Foraging Toys For Parrots. You always want your budgies to have access to a variety of enriching toys, which means you constantly have to be examining toys and figuring out if they are still safe or if they should be swapped out because it has been in their cage for a while.

YOUR BUDGIES FAVOURITE TOY IS THE ONE THEY DESTROY! I see so many people saying oh this is my parrots favourite toy yet it does not even have a bite mark out of it, that is not the case.

Seed is not bad it is essential!

Nothing should make up their entire diet.

Seed is not inherently bad because it has fat, budgies like all parrots and living beings need fat! Budgies are granivores I am not saying only feed them seed but seed plays an important role in a budgies diet. I feed my budgies seed in their foraging toys/trays and when training.

Basics of a Small Parrot Diet

They need a big cage

these are very active parrots, when looking at their size you wouldn’t think they would need a massive cage but they do, they need at least a flight cage the bigger the better! the only thing to watch for with budgie cages is the bar spacing.