
10 Products To Avoid Using With Your Parrot

It can be quite overwhelming seeing all the different products out their that are market towards parrots. Some of these are fantastic time saving and life enhancing products and others are a money grab that can potentially cause your feathered friend harm.

Plastic toys and dishes – These are colourful, and super fun looking but they can pose a health risk for your parrot if something called biofilm begins to grow on your parrot’s food dishes and toys. Learn more about Biofilm here: Toxic Parrot Food Dishes – BioFilm

Mirrored toys – Mirrored toys are something the majority of the parrot-keeping community all stand behind as being something to avoid with your parrot. Mirrors have been linked to hormonal issues with parrots as well as frustration because your parrot does not realize the parrot looking back at them is their reflection. 

Happy huts – these are commonly used but really should not be. Your parrot should not have a nest or anything that resembles a nest. This causes hormonal behaviours which can lead to a bunch of undesirable habits; like being territorial, aggressive, in female birds’ egg-laying or egg bound (massive deal, like need to be seen by a vet if they start laying or get egg bound). These can also cause crop impaction from the bird eating the fibers this is life-threatening and needs immediate vet care. In simplest terms happy hut = trip to the vet

Sand perches/ sand perch covers – sand paper is irritating to the skin of your parrots feed it is far to abrasive to do any good for the parrots foot health and only causes sores and other foot issues generally resulting in a vet visit – parrots can also ingest the sand off these perches which is not good for them.

Grit – parrots do not need grit, it will just fill them up and block up their intestines. parrots are not like chickens that need grit to digest their food.

Sugary pet store treats – these are like feeding your bird gummy bears. They have such a little body that you need to be ultra-careful with what they eat. Sugary treats will also give them lots of extra energy and your bird will become significantly more vocal and cause other behavioural problems. For a list of recommended good treats read here: 5 Good Store-Bought Parrot Treats 

Vitamins unless prescribed by vets – Vitamins should only be used on advice and prescription by an avian certified veterinarian. Birds can get too many vitamins in their system and it can do more harm than good. This can cause toe taping. Toe tapping – involuntary spasms in the parrot’s feet, often resemble clenching and unclenching of the toes. This is a bigger deal than it sounds like because often times this is paired with swollen organs. It is very dangerous to the bird’s health.

Smelly home products – birds have very sensitive respiratory systems so anything that makes your home smell nice can and will kill your birds; things like candles, room sprays, incense, essential oils

Products to make birds smell good or nice feathers or parrot shampoos –Things like bird shampoos are very harmful to your bird, they are completely unnecessary. In the wild all birds need is water to clean themselves. aloe vera and water mixed in a spray bottle are all your bird needs occasionally.

 Supplements from pet stores – this is the same thing as store bought vitamins. Birds on a proper diet do not need a supplement. If your bird does need a supplement your vet will recommend something during your annual exam, most times they will say to add a more of a certain food in their diet over something commercial. Either way please don’t give your bird a vitamin or supplement without the guidance of your vet.  Toxic Parrot Food Dishes – BioFilm – Optimal Avia