
How To Encourage Your Parrot To Try Pellets!

Parrot-diet how-to-encourage-your-parrots-to-try-pellets parrots-eating-pellets

Getting a parrot to eat pellets can be a real challenge. Please remember to keep track of your parrots weight while doing any kind of diet change, daily weighing can help you to see if your bird is even eating what you are offering them or if they are throwing it around and starving themselves.

Birdie Bread

birdie bread is very exciting to birds. It is a great way to get birds to try new foods they otherwise wouldn’t try. Getting them used to the smell of the new pellets as well as tasting them will make them more likely to try them when offered in a bowl. There are a ton of birdie bread recipes online as well as commercial mixes you can purchase and prepare for our bird.

Play with the Pellets

By having you roll the pellets around in your fingers and get excited over them your bird will get curious, when they come to investigate don’t let them have it, birds are very competitive by nature so doing this builds their want for it because they can’t have it. Do give it to them the next time they show interest though.

Mix with their seeds so they may accidentally try them

mixing a bit of pellets in with their seeds or whatever food they are currently eating will encourage them to try it because it is in their food bowl next to their other food. Some parrots this will not work for others it will.

Mix with veggies (as powder)

your other common option is to grind the pellets into a powder and mix it in with your bird’s fresh food.


  1. Birdie Bread
  2. Play with the Pellets
  3. Mix with their seeds 
  4. Mix with veggies

Patience is key with parrots but especially when trying to introduce new foods to them. Always offer them and never give up trying eventually they will try them and recognize them as food. In the wild parrots are hesitant to try new unrecognizable foods because it could mean the difference between life and death. Pellets are not something parrots naturally eat in the wild so I will take time, could take months even