
Can You Clip Parrots Wings?

can-you-clip-parrot-wings should-you-clip-your-parrots-wings

“My budgie came from a pet store that had them clipped and said it was fine” that’s the same pet store that told you that budgies are fine in a little sparkly pink cage. Just because vets will clip parrots’ wings and people do clip parrots’ wings does not mean it is safe or a good idea. I know you’ve got a million reasons running through your head about why you think wing clipping is good but please hear me out… at the very least read the table just so we can debunk a couple of those common misconceptions around the common question Can you clip parrot wings?


Will clipped wings grow back?

Is clipping wings permanent, is it a task you can do once and then never have to worry about again? If wing clipping is done properly it will need to be done after every molt since those flight feathers will molt out. If wing clipping is done incorrectly it can hurt the bird and seriously and permanently damage the parrots wing. Yes wing clipping can hurt the bird if done incorrectly, generally the act of clipping wings does not hurt the bird. 

 Why is wing clipping bad?

Parrots are designed to fly, that is how they are designed to get their physical exercise and stay physically and mentally fit and happy. Wing clipping causes muscle atrophy as well as muscle deterioration which can lead to more physical injuries and illnesses. 
Watching a parrot fly is truly incredible and if you understand parrot behaviour when you watch a parrot fly you will understand just how happy they are. Taking away that ability from them will cause them to become mentally unhappy. 
“Does wing clipping hurt the bird” long-term health and mental well-being wise… yes, yes it does. 

Why someone would want to clip their birds wings why they should not clip wings for that reason
“they CAN’T fly away” A clipped bird can still fly. By doing a quick google search you can find tons of people who are looking for their clipped bird that flew off. Clipping a bird’s wing’s only affect their flight feathers which their main purpose is controlling their landing and a bit of taking flight. By clipping a bird’s wings you are only taking away their ability to safely land, which is going to result in a major injury for your bird.
“easier to tame” Having a clipped bird while taming may be easier for you but not for the bird. the bird cannot simply fly away from you to communicate it does not want to interact, instead, you are forcing it to be with you which could cause your bird to bite you if you do not pick up on the bird’s other cues.
“I don’t want them pooping all over my house” You can try potty training them, but at the end of the day birds are messy animals. If you wanted an animal that will never mess in the house, you shouldn’t get a bird, look at dogs instead.
“I want a stronger bond”  having a bird chose to be with you rather than forcing them to be with you will create a stronger “bond” and relationship. If a bird never wants to be near you that is them trying to communicate something with you.
“it will keep my bird-safe”  your bird is actually in more danger having them clipped than flighted. Clipped birds can still fly they just cant control their flight or their landing which will cause them to crash and get hurt.

Health issue that can happen when parrots do not fly;

  1. Stress, everyone has felt stressed at some point in their life. Feeling stressed is never a pleasant experience, and that is no different for our feathered friends.
  2. Weakens their immune system; without proper exercise a body will not preform to its peak ability which includes fighting any diseases they may come across. Add in a little bit of stress your flightless parrot is not as strong making them more likely to catch the disease then a parrot who is flying, fit, and getting adequate exercise because they have a stronger body.
  3. obesity; this one is pretty self explanatory. If all you do is eat and sit around you will gain weight same goes for a parrot.

Why parrots need to fly;

Flying is the most natural way to exercise your parrot. Similar to humans a healthy fit bird will live a much longer, happier healthier life than a one who is not. Parrots are designed to fly generally 50 -100 miles a day. Flying works muscles parrots need to work for healthy and proper organ function. Letting your parrot walk around is not going to work those same muscles or have them any where close to as fit and healthy as flying will.

It would be like having a dog but locking it in a little pen all day, that dog will get fat and unhealthy because they are not designed to stay in a small space.

Closing thoughts; 

Will clipped wings grow back, yes

Does wing clipping hurt the bird, not immediately 

What was discussed in this post

  1. That clipped wings will grow back
  2. Why wing clipping is bad
  3. If wing clipping hurts the bird
  4. common myths around wing clipping
  5. health consequences from a lack of flight
  6. why parrots need to fly 

If you take anything from anything you’ve read on the optimal avian website I hope its to reconsider clipping your birds