
How Much Time Do Parrots Need Out Of Their Cage?

how much time do parrots need outside their cage. time out of parrot cage. parrot time in cage

You know parrots of all sizes should not be in their cage 24/7. Small parrots get this reputation of not needing to be out of their cage as much as larger parrots, is that true? should your Parakeet get as much time out of their cage as your friends Macaw? 

Quality over Quantity

You probably hear plenty of parrot owners say this if you are involved in the parrot community, but what does this mean beyond the obvious? Why is this the advice everyone seems to give out?

If you provide your parrot 5 hours outside of their cage but the entire time you are yelling at them for eating your curtains or pooping on your walls then that is not quality time outside their cage. I would much rather provide a parrot with 3 hours of supervised play time outside their cage with training breaks than just 5 hours of them getting in trouble. 

Why do parrots need time outside their cage

Parrots require many hours of enrichment everyday. One way we can provide this is by allowing them time outside of their cage, this is also great for them as it provides a way to fly and get their exercise needs met daily. More about flight and how important it is Flying Parrots 

In the wild parrots spend most of their time foraging and flying around wherever they want whenever they want, a cage physically cannot support no matter how big. 

What can happen if your parrot does not get enough time out of the cage?

If parrots do not have enough time to get physical exercise and explore outside their cage it can cause them the following; 

Ways to provide enrichment outside the cage

Parrots are super smart and because of that training, them is SUPER fun. For training help as well as tricks to teach your parrot check out Training

Play stands can also be a fun way to let your parrot have somewhere to hang out outside their cage with all new toys and a place to fly to and from. 



There are plenty of ways to provide your parrot enrichment outside their cage; 

  • toys
  • training
  • play stands

Quality over quantity 

Why parrots need time outside their cage and what can happen if they don’t have adequate time outside their cage