Health,  Housing,  Other

Household Items That KILL/HARM Parrots

If you’ve been reading some of our posts, you will know parrots are fragile animals, they are not like dogs and cats who have adapted to live in the human home. There are a variety of things in and around your home that could cause harm if not could result in death and we do not want that we want that we want to ensure your feathered friend can stay as happy and as healthy as they can for as long as possible.

Common things you may have in your home will cause you rethinking if parrots are good in your home or if you are okay with not using these common household items that will seriously injure them.

Ceiling Fans

not only are moving ceiling fans a safety concern to your bird outside the cage but to your bird inside the cage. ceiling fans in motion while your bird is outside the cage can crash into them and injure your bird but the movement is similar to a bird of prey and could have your bird panicking inside the cage thinking something is hunting it. Personally I never turned mine on and that was completely fine I have one of those oscillating fans that are just the tube and that does the trick for keeping my space cool in the summer for my birds.

open windows

open windows even with window screens are a real hazard in everyone’s home. I think we all have heard at least one story of some ones birds getting out. Its very uncommon to ever find those birds again. So PLEASE be very cautious before opening windows and opening your parrots cage the last thing you want is them to get out and hurt.


Anyone with a bird knows they get into EVERYTHING they are like children! so please keep your medications locked away somewhere secure leaving them on the counter is not a good idea because birds can chew through the containers of medications and eat the medications which can KILL them.


Families with children will want to be super careful to always supervise their child with the bird and teach the child how to properly handle the child and make sure your child will not throw the bird accidentally if the bird bites. I really advise against letting super small children handle parrots it is dangerous for not only the child but the bird.


Having a home with multiple species of pets can be super difficult when it comes to birds. Birds are very sensitive animals who require a lot of time and space. The big thing i want to stress in this article is do not let your dog or cat play with your bird and think it is cute or oh but they are good together all it takes is one second and your bird is dead. Not to mention how toxic cats saliva is and cats lick their whole body. I would encourage that if you are going to have a mixed species home that you have a room for your bird(s) where no other animal can come in and potentially harm them.


Birds have a very sensitive respiratory system. And these common household items will give your bird and Upper Respiratory Infection or kill them so it is best to not have these in your home

  • Self-cleaning ovens
  • Household plants – House Plants and Parrots
  • Candles
  • Essential oils
  • Incense
  • household cleaners – stick to vinegar diluted in water or unscented soap and water for household cleaning
  • Room sprays
  • really any aerosol spray should be avoided
  • Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) – toaster ovens, pots and pans, baking sheets, hair driers – PTFE releases toxins into the air that makes birds seriously ill or kill them immediately.