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Parrot Safe Air-Fersheners

By now in your research journey on optimal I am sure you know how dangerous handles, room sprays, and any other smelly air freshener is dangerous. Even “parrot safe candles” are in my opinion not worth the risk when there are safer, cheaper and more natural options like simmer pots.

Just because we own animals with sensitive respiratory systems does not mean that we should not be able to have a nice smelling house which is why simmer pots are something i think every budgie/parakeet/parrot owner NEEDS to know about!


  • place a pot of water on your stove
  • add ingredients (ideas below)
  • bring to a rolling bowl
  • then reduce heat to low simmer
  • add water as needed so you don’t accidentally burn your pot
  • this can run as long as you like – one pot can last simmering during the daytime for up to a week.


  • orange peel
  • cranberries
  • cinnamon sticks
  • cloves
  • rosemary
  • mint
  • lemon peels
  • apple
  • lavender
  • sage
  • rose petals
  • nutmeg
  • bay leaves

have fun with it mix and match different ingredients to find out what you like best and maybe change it up to be festive with each season!