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Why is my parrot eating its own POOP! 

It is important to determine whether your parrot/parakeet/budgie is eating their poop or just flinging its poop. Flinging their poop is annoying but it’s nothing to be concerned by. 

A parrot who is eating their own poop is not a healthy bird not necessarily because of the poop (although that is not good) but eating poop is an indication of a bigger problem!

Why do parrots eat poop?

  • Boredom, they have nothing else to do so why not forage through their poop and whatever else is at the bottom of their cage. 
  • Stress, birds can become stressed for many reasons but ultimately a stressed bird will be burning more calories and getting more hungry than a bird who is not stressed. 
  • Increased activity level, if you had a bird who was clipped or got minimal flying time and now your bird gets a couple hours of flying time a day they are burning way more calories than they once did and that will require more food, if you do not provide the increase in food that their body now requires they will eat their poop. 
  • Nothing else to eat, unlike dogs and other animals who will eat their poop when they are lacking nutrients parrots will not do that. The only reason a parrot will eat their poop is if there is nothing else to eat. 
  • Nutrient deficiencies – it is super important your parrot is getting an adequate amount of food as well as diet, this can eliminate your parrots poop eating. Basics of a Parrot Diet 

How to stop this?

  • Boredom, provide more foraging opportunities, remember parrots in the wild forage for up to 90% of their day. When keeping parrots in captivity and not focusing on foraging we are greatly reducing the amount of time our birds spend eating, causing boredom. 
  • Having a wide variety of different toys while also focusing on shreddable/destroyable toys will keep your parrot occupied while you are at work, school, running errands etc. 

Foraging toys don’t have to be expensive here is a link to an article i did on cheap diy foraging toys 5 DIY Foraging Toys For Parrots