
Are frozen vegetables bad for parrots?

The parrot community online can be very overwhelming and also elitist around this topic. A lot of owners have the mindset that fresh veggies are the only way and frozen veggies are the devil and it would be better to not even give their birds veggies. How true is this? with the rising cost of groceries I know a lot of people are trying to find cheaper alternatives to what they normally buy. Are frozen veggies horrrible and out to deprive your parrot?

Benefits of frozen veggies

  • cheaper than fresh produce
  • last longer
  • frozen at peak nutrient levels so unlike that head of broccoli that goes from the farm to the store to then sit in your fridge for a week before you get around to making chop. Frozen veggies do not lose nutrients during that time.
  • less food waste, if you are someone like me who only has a couple budgies a head of broccoli and entire bell pepper will take FOREVER for your bird to get through.
  • less likely to have preservatives since the freezing acts as a preservative (check label)
  • prevents oxidation (essentially wear down) when exposed to elements.

Disadvantages of frozen veggies

  • some birds hate the texture of frozen veggies
  • fewer options
  • tend to lose vitamin b&c
  • can sometimes contain salt and sugar (DONT BUY THOSE FOR YOUR BIRD)
  • If left in the freezer for longer than 3 months it will become freezer burnt and start to decrease in nutritional value
  • storage, some people only have the small freezer on top of their fridge.