
Can Parrots Play with Kids Toys

Can Parrots Play with kids toys
can parrots play with childrens toys

“Parrots are as smart as a 4-year-old child” I’m sure everyone has heard that phrase by now in your parrot researching/learning journey. If they are as smart as a child… could they play with children’s toys? You probably know that parrots need LOTS of different toys and enrichment! Intelligence toys are especially good for keeping our smart birds mentally enriched, and some children’s toys do work on children’s brains and motor skills.

Pros of children’s toys


    • Cost effective

    • Readily Available

    • Safer than other plastics since they are designed for children.

Cons to children’s toys


    • must be careful what they are made of

    • only to be used with supervision since parrots have strong beaks and Could potentially break pieces off – if you notice your parrot can do this then remove the toys and do not offer any other children’s toys.

    • You must know their playing habits – this one goes with the above, if you have a destructive parrot I would not use them

    • only use brand-new children’s toys, not well-used ones.

Which ones should you choose?


    • Rubber Ducks

    • Hard plastic teething toys

    • musical toys – like drums, xylophones, etc

    • cardboard toys

    • colourful bead – if appropriately sized to your parrot.

    • hard plastic pay utensils

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