
  • Food,  Health,  Uncategorized

    Coconut oil – worth the hype? – should I give it to my parrot?

    Coconut oil is something that recently has been being more and more pushed as a part of a healthy diet for your parrot. As with anything this is best used in conjunction with a healthy diet. Health properties unique to coconut oil; Coconut oil has two main components that make it a fantastic addition to your parrots healthy diet. Loric acid and one of very few good saturated fats your parrot needs. These two are something difficult to find in a regular diet so having an easy way to provide these is fantastic. Some Benefits you may notice in your bird; How to offer; First you want to ensure you…

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  • Food

    Are frozen vegetables bad for parrots?

    The parrot community online can be very overwhelming and also elitist around this topic. A lot of owners have the mindset that fresh veggies are the only way and frozen veggies are the devil and it would be better to not even give their birds veggies. How true is this? with the rising cost of groceries I know a lot of people are trying to find cheaper alternatives to what they normally buy. Are frozen veggies horrrible and out to deprive your parrot? Benefits of frozen veggies Disadvantages of frozen veggies

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  • Food

    Poisonous Foods To Avoid With Parrots

    Avocado – can cause heart failure Alcohol – is fatal for your bird if consumed Fruit seeds – contain cyanide which is very toxic to birds Caffeine – can cause cardiac abnormalities for your bird which can lead to cardiac arrest Chocolate – can cause diarrhea and vomiting but the poisoning eventually leads to seizures. Dried beans – ensure you are cooking all beans before serving them to your parrot as they are highly toxic to your bird. Mushrooms – parrots cannot digest mushrooms and can cause major upset stomachs Fatty foods – can build up in their arteries and lead to stroke, heart disease, obesity and fatty liver disease…

  • Food

    How To Encourage Your Parrot To Try Pellets!

    Getting a parrot to eat pellets can be a real challenge. Please remember to keep track of your parrots weight while doing any kind of diet change, daily weighing can help you to see if your bird is even eating what you are offering them or if they are throwing it around and starving themselves. Birdie Bread birdie bread is very exciting to birds. It is a great way to get birds to try new foods they otherwise wouldn’t try. Getting them used to the smell of the new pellets as well as tasting them will make them more likely to try them when offered in a bowl. There are…

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  • Food,  Tips and Tricks

    DIY Millet Garden – Endless supply of millet for your small parrot!

    For anyone with small birds like budgies etc. you will know how much they love their millet! Millet is a fantastic treat I often use when training but it can get expensive fast, sometimes stores run out and it is out of stock for a while. Millet is actually super easy to grow for your birds, Even if you don’t have a green thumb you can likely grow some millet. Steps Take some potting soil and place it into a pot Sprinkle some millet seeds (from your store-bought millet) on top of the soil Add a very small layer of dirt on top of the millet Water Place in a…

  • Food

    5 Good Store-Bought Parrot Treats

    Millet Seed/nut blend Nutri – berries Avi – cakes Dried fruit blends Millet – is a great option for smaller parrots, it is honestly the closest thing I have found to drugs for birds. millet is fantastic because it tends to be a very high-value treat for quite a few small birds. Which makes it a fantastic training treat for those jackpot rewards or flight training. When you buy millet at the store you can save some of the seeds and plant them which means you will always have it on hand for those amazing training sessions. You want to wait until the spray millet turns yellow on the plant…

  • Food

    Parrot Safe Vegetables

    Just like humans, parrots need a good variety of veggies in their diet to keep them at optimal health levels. Here is a list of good veggies to give a try with your parrot. By trying a variety, you can learn what your bird preferred veggies are as well as textures. Parrot safe veggies – this is not an exhausted list, it is just some common veggies you may find in your grocery store. Zucchini Spinach Carrots Young dandelion greens Cucumber – sparingly – not much nutritional value Green peas Endive Broccoli Cauliflower Beetroot and the greens Bok choy Brussel sprouts Chard Parsnip (peeled) Dark green lettuces – red leaf…

  • Food

    Herbs and Parrots – Cheap Way To Provide More Vitamins and Minerals!

    Herbs are often used with humans in cooking for extra diversity in flavours as well as added health benefits. This list is a list of different bird-safe herbs and the different health benefits of each. Herbs are an excellent cheap way to improve your bird’s health! These can be offered dry or fresh! Herb Health Benefit(s)   Dill Source of vitamins A and C Source of Iron Lowers Cholesterol Aids in Digestion Antimicrobial Good source of energy   Parsley Use sparingly High in oscillates     Rosemary Source of vitamin c, calcium, iron Is also a natural anti-inflammatory   Thyme Source of vitamin C, A, calcium, antioxidants Is also good…

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  • Food

    Sprouting For Parrots

    Benefits of providing sprouts to your parrots Great for picky eaters, as they have the crunch of a seed They are packed with all the nutrients of the whole plant in a small little seed Fresher because they don’t have to be delivered to a store then purchased by you Easy to grow Cheap Sprouting releases special enzymes that make digestion easier How to sprout? There are a variety of different products on the market for sprouting. Most common two are; 1) Sprouting trays 2) In a jar (ensure it is a wide mouth jar so you can completely drain the sprouts) Sprouting trays increase the chance slightly of the…