
  • Food,  Health,  Uncategorized

    Coconut oil – worth the hype? – should I give it to my parrot?

    Coconut oil is something that recently has been being more and more pushed as a part of a healthy diet for your parrot. As with anything this is best used in conjunction with a healthy diet. Health properties unique to coconut oil; Coconut oil has two main components that make it a fantastic addition to your parrots healthy diet. Loric acid and one of very few good saturated fats your parrot needs. These two are something difficult to find in a regular diet so having an easy way to provide these is fantastic. Some Benefits you may notice in your bird; How to offer; First you want to ensure you…

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  • Health,  Other,  Tips and Tricks

    15 “budgie” products to avoid with parakeets/budgies

    Just because something is advertised as being safe for a budgie/parakeet does not necessarily mean they are. These are 15 products I’ve seen at pet stores that i would never buy for my flock. I am not saying i haven’t purchased these products, so don’t feel bad if you look at this list and go oh crap i have that just try your best to learn and make changes as you learn! no one starts out perfect, there is always more to learn about parrots. Grit If your budgie is cracking their seeds their is no benefit to them having grit. Actually grit can be more of a hazard for…

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  • Health,  Housing,  Other,  Tips and Tricks

    10 Things that can KILL your parrot!

    Owning parrots can be overwhelming with so many things that are hazards to them, these are just the basics but a good place to start that isn’t super overwhelming. non – stick coating pans, air fryers, toaster ovens, baking sheets, muffin tins, loaf tins, etc. – go for stainless steel, cast iron, or glass. If you wish to purchase an air fryer or toaster oven I would contact the company and ask if their products contain PTFE or PTFO Candles yes, even the “parrot-safe ones” I would avoid, just with how sensitive parrots’ respiratory system is id rather be ultra-safe than learn the hard way with a very sick or…

  • Health,  Other

    DIY Parrot First Aid Kit!

    Parrots get sick injured super easily yes there are plenty of emergency after hours clinics but what if that hospital’s bird people are off duty and you have to wait till morning or God forbid Monday! Having a first aid kit that you know how to use can save your birds life! Key being you know how to use! This is a basic list of things I think EVERY parrot owner should have regardless of your skill level. FIRST AID DOES NOT REPLACE VET CARE IT IS TO CARE FOR YOUR BIRD UNTIL YOU GET THEM TO A VET!!!

  • Health,  Other,  Tips and Tricks

    Parrot Safe Air-Fersheners

    By now in your research journey on optimal I am sure you know how dangerous handles, room sprays, and any other smelly air freshener is dangerous. Even “parrot safe candles” are in my opinion not worth the risk when there are safer, cheaper and more natural options like simmer pots. Just because we own animals with sensitive respiratory systems does not mean that we should not be able to have a nice smelling house which is why simmer pots are something i think every budgie/parakeet/parrot owner NEEDS to know about! How Ideas have fun with it mix and match different ingredients to find out what you like best and…

  • Health

    Sign of a sick budgie/parakeet/parrot

    Knowing the signs of a sick bird can help you spot sickness in your parakeet/parrot early enough for you to call your vet and get your parrot looked at by an avian vet within a time frame that gives your parrot the best chance of recovering and going back to thriving in your care. Laboured breathing – tail bobbing with breath – If you see your bird’s tail going up and down similar to their breath this is laboured breathing. The only time you should see a bird’s tail moving is when they are getting ready to poop. This is something you do not want to wait out as breathing…

  • Health,  Tips and Tricks

    Can you have a budgie/parakeet alone?

    It is super common to see someone with more than one budgie/parakeet. Is keeping a budgie/parakeet alone a good idea? Can a budgie thrive being alone, as in will they be the optimal avian alone? We only want the best for our birds so lets dive in! I have kept budgies alone and in pairs now and this is entirely from my knowledge and observation having kept both. Can Budgies be happy alone? They can be happy alone. They tend to have times when they are happiest though. for example my budgie (Pete) who was kept alone was very happy when myself or my family where around and when she…

  • Health,  Other

    How To Remove Dust From Parrots

    If you have spent any time around parrots you will know they are dusty. While some parrots produce more dust than others (cockatiels, african greys, and cockatoos being some of the worst) it is a pain for you to clean up as well as not being good for you or your birds health. A dusty living environment can lead to health problems not only for your bird but also for you. Lucky for you, I have some ways you can reduce the amount of bird dander in your home! Health Problems Dust Can Cause – Parrot A parrot who constantly breathes in dusty air can be exposed to health complications…