
  • Health

    Signs Your Parrot Is Sick

    Parrots are very good at hiding illness, in the wild if they showed signs of illness they are left behind by their flock. This makes it super important to know the signs of a sick parrot that way when you see something you can act quickly! What are those signs? Laboured breathing – tail bobbing while breathing – If you see your bird’s tail going up and down similar to their breath this is laboured breathing. The only time you should see a bird’s tail moving is when they are getting ready to poop. This is generally one of the first signs of distress you will see in a parrot.…

  • Health

    My Parrot Is Sick What Do I Do?

    Your first step when dealing with a sick parrot is calling your avian vet to see when you can get them in. Depending on the severity you may need to wait a couple of hours, days, or weeks. These are simply tips from my experience of dealing with sick bird things I did not do until later on, that may have helped her recover faster. PLEASE CALL YOUR VET AND BOOK AN APPOINTMENT BEFORE DOING ANY OF THESE THINGS! What should you do while waiting? Put the bird in a hospital cage – generally, people use the bottom part of a clear bin then cut square and add mesh to…