
  • Housing

    3 Tips For Cleaning Up After A Parrot

    Get into a routine; if you get used to once you put them to bed picking up, they’re outside their cage toys and putting them away and quickly sweeping up their area it makes cleaning much less daunting and a much easier and smaller task Let any toys/perches that can soak, soak it makes it much easier to just wipe off the poop rather than scrub hard. Toothbrushes are amazing for scrubbing tiny spaces; Bonus tip If you have access to an outdoor space with a hose, put the hose on the jet setting and blast the cage, toys, cage grate. It gets the worst of it off then you…

  • Housing

    Toxic Parrot Food Dishes – BioFilm

    Dishes are something that seems simple enough you go to the store and with all the colourful and cute options you simply pick the one you like. Over time plastic dishes can create something called biofilm which is not good for the health of your bird. To be safe your best option is to use stainless steel dishes since you will be cleaning the dishes every day it’s best to be safe. In general bird, the owners tend to have three dishes, one for water, one for pellets, and one for the chop. I avoid water bottles just because they tend to be more difficult to clean and some birds…

  • Housing

    Are Dowel Perches Bad?

    Why do you want perches with variety? – look outside at a tree, the branches are textured and have a variety of sizes and shapes with the knots in the wood. You want to replicate this the best you can for your birds(), this keeps your bird’s feet as healthy as possible. Dowel perches are generally avoided. That being said if your cage has one dowel perch with a variety of other perches like natural perches, it is fine to have a dowel perch in your cage too. What is the problem with dowel perches? The issue with dowel perches is they lack variety in diameter and texture throughout the…

  • Housing

    How To Pick Out A Small Parrot Cage?

    Small parrot cage size is one of the places most new parrot owners go wrong, and not at a fault of their own. When you walk into most pet stores that sell bird cages you will see a photo of a bird similar to yours on the box so naturally you would think that is the size of cage your bird requires. Here are some qualities to look for when cage shopping! Wider Rather Than Taller Is Ideal Parrots naturally want to be as high as they can because in the wild the higher you are in the tree the safer you are from predators. Knowing these birds are less…