
  • Other

    Budgie VS Parakeet

    I am sure you have heard of budgies and parakeet, but what is the difference? are they the same thing? what do you have living in your home? Every Budgie is a Parakeet but not all Parakeets are budgies. In the simplest explanation Budgies/Budgerigar’s are a subspecies of parakeet Characteristics of a Parakeet Characteristics of a Budgies Species of Parakeet

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    30 Reasons why Budgies are the best!

    I have had 5 budgies over the years. I love them! I will never not have budgies! I still post this with caution since I don’t want to encourage impulse purchasing budgies because they are still difficult parrots and have their flaws and not everyone will enjoy living with them but I want to share some of the good since i notice there is a big focus on why they suck. Why Parrots SUCK! – since its not all butterflies and rainbows

  • Other,  Tips and Tricks

    How To Gain Your Budgie/Parakeet/Parrots Trust

    Budgies in specific but all parrots are flight animals meaning if they get startled they will just leave, because of this it can take some time to build the trust of a parrot. I have complied a short list of things to do to ensure you gain your budgies trust. Please remember this does not happen over time and it does take time and patience.

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    Why does my parrot scream when I leave the room!

    Parrots scream… we are all well aware of that. They can get loud! but if you read my other post about screaming you will know that generally vocalizations are your parrot trying to communicate something with you. How To Get A Parrot To Stop Screaming!? Parrots screaming when you leave the room is a very common behaviour among parrots, there are many reasons for this and many solutions. Reasons Solutions Your parrots will call a couple times when you first leave the room, that’s just how flocks of parrots communicate. Ensure you never enter the room when your parrot is screaming or let them out of their cage when they…

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  • Other,  Tips and Tricks,  Training

    5 Signs Your Parakeet Loves You!

    Everyone wants their budgie/parakeet to love them! why wouldn’t you? I think I can vouch for the large majority of parrot owners in saying our biggest goal is to ensure our parrots are happy and healthy. It can be difficult to tell if your parrakeet loves you if you are new to budgies. *disclaimer that every bird is different*

  • Housing,  Other

    Realistic Budgie Startup Cost

    How much does it really cost to own budgies/parakeets. obviously these prices vary a bit based off your area how many birds you have and where you shop but this is a rough estimate of that it will cost you to get set up. I will go through my maintenance costs for my flock further down this post. Start up cost not including the cost of at least 2 budgies Why you need multiple $970.35 Maintenance costs for my flock My monthly total for my 2 budgies is – 98$ (that includes the 60$ to my insurance but does not include their annual vet visit fee)

  • Health,  Other,  Tips and Tricks

    15 “budgie” products to avoid with parakeets/budgies

    Just because something is advertised as being safe for a budgie/parakeet does not necessarily mean they are. These are 15 products I’ve seen at pet stores that i would never buy for my flock. I am not saying i haven’t purchased these products, so don’t feel bad if you look at this list and go oh crap i have that just try your best to learn and make changes as you learn! no one starts out perfect, there is always more to learn about parrots. Grit If your budgie is cracking their seeds their is no benefit to them having grit. Actually grit can be more of a hazard for…

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