Tips and Tricks

  • Tips and Tricks

    5 Common Budgie Care Mistakes

    Every budgie/parakeet owner wants to do the best they can. I have made countless mistakes when it comes to caring for budgies, as all new owners do. The goal for this post is to give you 5 key things to work on before or when you get your budgie! Do not feel bad if you make all these mistakes everyone starts somewhere! Just the simple fact of you taking the time to learn more about your budgies makes you and AWESOME budgie caretaker! Only Feeding Pellets/Pet Store Food It is super important that your budgie gets a diverse diet. Sticking to just one food item all the time is a…

  • Other,  Tips and Tricks

    How To Gain Your Budgie/Parakeet/Parrots Trust

    Budgies in specific but all parrots are flight animals meaning if they get startled they will just leave, because of this it can take some time to build the trust of a parrot. I have complied a short list of things to do to ensure you gain your budgies trust. Please remember this does not happen over time and it does take time and patience.

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  • Other,  Tips and Tricks,  Training

    5 Signs Your Parakeet Loves You!

    Everyone wants their budgie/parakeet to love them! why wouldn’t you? I think I can vouch for the large majority of parrot owners in saying our biggest goal is to ensure our parrots are happy and healthy. It can be difficult to tell if your parrakeet loves you if you are new to budgies. *disclaimer that every bird is different*

  • Health,  Other,  Tips and Tricks

    15 “budgie” products to avoid with parakeets/budgies

    Just because something is advertised as being safe for a budgie/parakeet does not necessarily mean they are. These are 15 products I’ve seen at pet stores that i would never buy for my flock. I am not saying i haven’t purchased these products, so don’t feel bad if you look at this list and go oh crap i have that just try your best to learn and make changes as you learn! no one starts out perfect, there is always more to learn about parrots. Grit If your budgie is cracking their seeds their is no benefit to them having grit. Actually grit can be more of a hazard for…

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  • Health,  Housing,  Other,  Tips and Tricks

    10 Things that can KILL your parrot!

    Owning parrots can be overwhelming with so many things that are hazards to them, these are just the basics but a good place to start that isn’t super overwhelming. non – stick coating pans, air fryers, toaster ovens, baking sheets, muffin tins, loaf tins, etc. – go for stainless steel, cast iron, or glass. If you wish to purchase an air fryer or toaster oven I would contact the company and ask if their products contain PTFE or PTFO Candles yes, even the “parrot-safe ones” I would avoid, just with how sensitive parrots’ respiratory system is id rather be ultra-safe than learn the hard way with a very sick or…

  • Tips and Tricks

    5 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Got Budgies/Parakeets

    There is SOOO much to know when you first decide you want to get a budgie bird, it can be overwhelming. To help you on your journey to become the best prepared for your new budgie/parakeet these are 5 things I wish I knew about living with budgies before I got them. Constant chatter Budgies are very different from other parrots like macaws, everyone will warn you macaws are loud and often times people will say budgies are loud and yes they can get loud but its more so a constant chatter. Happy budgies will be chattering amongst each other and singing. I think it is a pleasant sound, some…

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  • Tips and Tricks,  Training

    Budgie Flight Training!

      As someone who shares their budgies taming processes with the internet, I received a lot of criticism from people because I was allowing my budgies to initiate flight/recall training before step up training. Let’s talk about why I encouraged this and how you can start flight training your budgies. My more confident budgie Pekoe (yellow) one day was standing on the perch on top of their cage and looked like he wanted to fly to me while I was working not far away, so I walked over leaving 2 feet from him to myself and he proceeded to fly to me when I put my hand up I gave…