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How To Gain Your Budgie/Parakeet/Parrots Trust

Budgies in specific but all parrots are flight animals meaning if they get startled they will just leave, because of this it can take some time to build the trust of a parrot. I have complied a short list of things to do to ensure you gain your budgies trust. Please remember this does not happen over time and it does take time and patience.

How to Gain Trust

  • Positive reinforcement only
  • Hand feed favourite foods
  • remain calm and avoid big movements
  • listen to what the bird is telling you through body language
  • include them in your daily life – when safe to do so
  • work at the birds pace
  • playing with toys with your parrot
  • training – The Foundation Of Trick Training For Parrots! – How To Start

Avoid doing this – Lose Trust

  • Physically “disciplining” the bird
  • Yelling at bird
  • Grabbing bird
  • Forcing bird to do something