Other,  Tips and Tricks,  Training

How To Get A Parrot To Stop Screaming!?

parrot-screaming are-parakeets-loud loud-parrots

Parrots screaming… in the short we technically can not get them to completely stop, but there are ways we can minimize excessive screaming.


Foraging toys are one of the best options for keeping your bird busy, a busy bird is a quiet bird. foraging toys given at sunrise and sundown when birds naturally get loud are one of the best options. Even foraging toys during the days are a great idea. In the wild birds spend a lot of time looking for food, so mimicking this in captivity the best we can burn a lot of excess energy birds have from not doing what they are designed to do. Foraging toys don’t need to be expensive and extravagant to learn how to make your own check out our article on 5 DIY Foraging Toys For Parrot.


With some positive reinforcement and capturing you can train your bird to have quiet or relaxed behaviour on cue which down the line will turn into your bird offering it more because it learns that is the desired behaviour.

“ignoring it”

When a parrot screams and you come running over to shush it or occupy the parrot it learns to scream because you are reinforcing that behaviour. This strategy is not going to get you the results the other two strategies will but when pairing this with another strategy you will find a difference in the noise level in your home. Essentially this strategy is as easy as it sounds if your bird starts screeching for you, ignore it. Unless if you hear thrashing too because this could mean that your bird needs you because it is stuck or hurt.


Parrots scream to communicate. Learning your parrots’ screams is very useful. This takes a long time but eventually, you will be able to determine if your bird wants to be let out, food, to train etc.

Are parakeets loud

Due to parakeets’ size often times people assume that they are a quiet bird because they are not a macaw, But parakeets are still loud and have a tendency to squawk more often than a macaw. A parakeet are still quitter than a macaw but they definitely are not silent. 

“are parakeets loud at night” if you are putting your parrot/parakeet to bed properly at night they should be sleeping which means they are definitely not loud at night. 

Closing thoughts; 

At the end of the day, birds will scream birds are loud that is how they communicate. If you want an animal that will be quiet all the time, unfortunately, a bird is not the best option. If you learn the different screams of your bird and learn what your parrot is trying to communicate that is the best way to handle excessive screaming.

What was discussed in this post

  1. foraging and how that can combat loud parrots
  2. training and how that can help loud parrots learn what you want
  3. 2 other methods 
  4. If parakeets are loud
  5. If parrots are loud at night