How To Teach a Parrot To Talk?

I am going to get this out of the way right here, first line. Do not get a parrot for the sole purpose of wanting a pet that talks, not all parrots do, it is not something you can make them do. Even if you get a parrot that talks the novelty of that will wear off when you realize how much work parrots are (yes I mean budgies too!!!!).
Now if you are reading this because you have a bird or want a bird for other reasons but are curious if there are ways you can encourage your parrot to speak then my answer to you is yes.
Birds are individuals and just like people some love to talk and others are not interested in talking at all.
Some ways you can encourage your bird to speak;
- Playing YouTube videos of other birds speaking – birds are copycats, use this to your advantage. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn’t it all depends on the bird.
- Spend a lot of time with them, and talking to them. Similar to above reasoning.
- Understand some species are naturally more inclined to talk that others
If you have done the research and want a parrot and absouletly want it to talk too you can always rescue a parrot that already talks. Again, Please do not get a parrot just for the speaking ability
Species Of Parrot That Talk
A few of the species that are naturally better talkers are Budgies, Amazon Parrots, Quaker Parrots, Indian ringneck parrot, African Grey Parrots and Eclectus Parrots.
Why Do Parrots Talks?
Technically when a parrot says human words they are not speaking how we do they are mimicking the sounds their “Flock” makes. When a parrot is living in captivity with humans it will hear more human speak than parrot sounds which is why parrots do not say “Hello” out in the wild.
Why mimicking? – In the wild parrots create their own whistles and calls that are specific to their flock that help them communicate within their flock. Without this it would become very dangerous for parrots out in the wild, being able to call to your flock to tell them their is food, water, or a predator is a vital survival skill.
Likely if your parrot is saying human words it is because they want your attention seeing as that is how they learned to communicate with you.