
How To Towel Train A Parrot

Towel training is one of those things that seems so pointless but a parrot that has been towel trained will have a significantly less stressful time with vet visits and other vet procedures where toweling may be necessary

Why towel train a parrot?

Towel training is a method used by veterinarians during general exams as well as any emergency appointment and beak and nail trims. It is also used while giving birds oral medications. Towelling is a way to keep the bird and handler safe. It is very important that you get your bird well adjusted to towelling that way if you ever must towel your bird in a high-stress situation it is not going to add any more stress onto your bird.


1 – get your bird used to towels, do not touch them with it immediately take some time and let them see the towel and that it won’t hurt them, do this often for a few days or weeks depending upon how long it takes your bird to become completely comfortable and relaxed around the towel.

2 – ever so slightly touch your parrot with the towel and then immediately take the towel off and give them a treat. If your bird is clicker trained use your clicker to mark the moment you touch the parrot with the towel.

3 – slowly increase the amount of time the towel is on the parrot for.

4 – your next step once the towel being on them is easy and comfortable for them is to wrap them in the towel and hold them; KEEP YOUR HAND ON THE SIDES OF THE BIRD DO NOT PUT YOUR THUMB OR FINGERS ON THE CHEST OF THE BIRD AS THIS CAN MAKE IT DIFFICULT FOR THE BIRD TO BREATHE AND POTENTIALLY INJURE OR BREAK THE KEEL BONE. Feeding the bird treats while you hold it for a couple of seconds then putting them back on their perch is a good way to make this a positive experience.

5 – slowly increase the amount of time you can hold your bird until your bird is completely comfortable being towelled.

Some birds enjoy making this into a game once they are okay with being held in the towel and you can play peek-a-boo similar to how you would with a child.