
Humidity and Parrots – Essential part of keeping parrots

You see all these parrot owners on social media sharing about their humidifiers, the question is are they essential to a happy healthy parrot or are they something overhyped?

Most parrot species come from the rainforest. Their respiratory system and entire body is designed to live in those conditions. often times our human homes are far to dry for a parrot, unless if you live somewhere that is humid year around and your home is humid it is good practice for optimal health to have a humidifier in the room or home you keep your parrot in.

Benefits of a humidifier:

  • Humid air is easier on your respiratory system and decreases your chances of getting a cold or flu, in birds this is the same it will make your bird less likely to get an upper respiratory infection from the dry winter air.
  • Adds moisture to skin and feathers which will make your bird look and feel fantastic
  • If your bird happens to be slightly congested it makes it much easier for them to breathe when the air has some moisture

Which type of humidifier:

Evaporative humidifier comes with filters to control the growth of mold and other unwanted bacteria and viruses.

Warm mist humidifiers are recommended by veterinarians as they will kill more airborne microorganisms as well as any bacteria or mold that wants to grow in the humidifier. They will increase the humidity of the air significantly quicker than a cold mist humidifier. There is a risk of accidental scalding with warm mist humidifiers so it is something to be careful of when birds are out and about.

Cool mist humidifiers are safer when it comes to potential scalding accidents, but it does not kill as many microorganisms as warm mist humidifiers. It also can make the air cold which can be a downfall in the winter. These also need to be cleaned much more frequently. They also do not increase the humidity as much and as quickly as the warm mist humidifiers.

Things to remember when using a humidifier around parrots:

Humidifiers need to be cleaned regularly (like weekly at the least often) so ensure yours is easy to clean. If it is in your budget you might even find some that have antibacterial functions.

Keep humidifiers a safe distance away from curious beaks as well.

Never ever use a dirty or humidifier that has had chemicals, medicine, or fragrance in it. This is why I don’t recommend taking aunt Suzy’s humidifier she doesn’t use anymore. Make an investment not only for your bird’s health but yours too.