
My Parrot Is Sick What Do I Do?

Your first step when dealing with a sick parrot is calling your avian vet to see when you can get them in. Depending on the severity you may need to wait a couple of hours, days, or weeks. These are simply tips from my experience of dealing with sick bird things I did not do until later on, that may have helped her recover faster. PLEASE CALL YOUR VET AND BOOK AN APPOINTMENT BEFORE DOING ANY OF THESE THINGS!

What should you do while waiting?

Put the bird in a hospital cage – generally, people use the bottom part of a clear bin then cut square and add mesh to the top of the lid. Place blankets or towels at the bottom of the cage, if you have a heat bulb turn that on and monitor the temperature turn it off if the bird starts breathing hard or holding their wings out (ideal temperature is 80-85 degrees).

Offer them dishes of any type of food they will eat, seed, pellets, treats, bird bread does not matter you just want to ensure the bird is still eating, leave this along with a dish of water easily accessible to the bird in the hospital cage.

Avoid handling the bird and try to keep the bird as quiet as possible.

Adding a few drops of an electrolyte solution into the bird’s mouth can be a good idea. (electrolyte solutions for infants are a good option or pancake syrup in water). This is not something that should be given often this is just something to give them if they look very exhausted.

It is often a good idea to already have a hospital cage made up for your bird and put in a closet or somewhere until you need it. It is better to have it and not need it than scramble to put something together when a bird is sick.