
Should I Get My Parrot A Friend

In short. No, you should never bring another bird into your home for the sole purpose of being a companion to your bird. When adding a bird to your flock you must be willing to give the new bird its fair share of time if they do not get along well with other bird(s).

Why adding to your flock is a bad idea

You should never put two birds who are not from the same clutch in the same cage. This can cause one bird to become protective and attack the other.

All birds have their personalities like humans and may not like other birds or may not even be socialized to accept other birds.

Some birds can get jealous of you being with another bird and can cause behavioural issues in your current bird.

You cannot guarantee that your current bird will like your new bird.

Some smaller species like finches and budgies may enjoy a friend more than other parrots but this still should not be expected.

You also need to take into account if you are bringing in another of the same species but opposite gender there is a chance they could enjoy each others company a lot and start breeding (you should take precautions to discourage this behaviour; not feeding excessive food – this makes the female think there is enough food to support a baby. You also should not have anything in their environment that resembles a nest even slightly. ultimately not letting them interact with each other without both being in separate cages. Etc)

If you have time constraints that lead you to believe your bird is not getting enough attention, another bird could be the worst thing you could do if the birds do not get along because now you have to divide your already limited time in half for your current bird.

When to add to your flock?

The only reason you should add to your flock is that you want another bird and have the time and funds for it.

Ultimately the answer is no. You should not get another bird for your current bird.