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Signs Of A Healthy Parrot

Signs of a healthy parrot 
signs of a healthy budgie

You know the signs of a sick parrot, but what about a healthy parrot! Knowing your parrot is healthy is just as important as knowing if your parrot is sick. It is also helpful to know this before you even bring your parrot home!

What to look for!

  • clean and clear eyes
  • the parrot is vocal
  • Standing straight up on the perch
  • shiny and bright feathers
  • lots of energy
  • clear nares
  • alert
  • cannot hear the parrot breathing
  • tail feathers are still
  • healthy weight – can feel the keel bone but it is not protruding or hasn’t become an indent from excess fat
  • beak and feet are smooth not flakey – beak can be flakey if parrot is molting
  • clean and clear vent
  • consistently similar poops
  • gripping perches and fingers
  • feathers are not barbered, broken and are free of stress bars
  • stable on perches – not wobbly

Related Reading: Sign of a sick budgie/parakeet/parrot

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