Blood Feathers – What to do!!!
This is something every bird owner deals with at least once in their time owning birds, which is why it is so important to know what a blood feather is and what your course of action should be to keep your feathered friend as safe as possible. Blood feathers can absolutely be Life threatening and should be dealt with as urgently as possible! What is a blood feather? A blood feather is a feather currently growing from the follicle, meaning the feather still has the bird’s blood supply running into the feather. If a bird preens this feather in the wrong spot or they sustain an injury to a blood…
Household Items That KILL/HARM Parrots
If you’ve been reading some of our posts, you will know parrots are fragile animals, they are not like dogs and cats who have adapted to live in the human home. There are a variety of things in and around your home that could cause harm if not could result in death and we do not want that we want that we want to ensure your feathered friend can stay as happy and as healthy as they can for as long as possible. Common things you may have in your home will cause you rethinking if parrots are good in your home or if you are okay with not using…
4 Myths About Parrots/Budgies
Budgies are one of the most popular pet birds kept in our homes. They are also very misunderstood, people seem to think they have entirely different care because they are a parakeet and it is commonly misunderstood that parakeets are parrots. To help you learn and grow from potentially making the same mistakes I did here are some common myths and the reason why they are myths; Cage Size Often times people believe that budgies and other small parrots are completely fine in those little pink castle bird cages you find at pet stores, they are small Afterall how much will they really fly? truth be told budgie birds have…
How To Pick Out A Small Parrot Cage?
Small parrot cage size is one of the places most new parrot owners go wrong, and not at a fault of their own. When you walk into most pet stores that sell bird cages you will see a photo of a bird similar to yours on the box so naturally you would think that is the size of cage your bird requires. Here are some qualities to look for when cage shopping! Wider Rather Than Taller Is Ideal Parrots naturally want to be as high as they can because in the wild the higher you are in the tree the safer you are from predators. Knowing these birds are less…
How To Tame A Small Parrot
Parrot taming/training is a slow process with ups and downs. Just like humans’ birds also have good days and bad days. Go Slow Don’t be in a rush, when you are in a rush you will miss the subtle warnings that your bird is tired, confused, or not in that headspace and it will often result in a bite making everyone uneasy. That being said you most likely will get bitten by a bird when it’s your first time taming a bird. Birds have very subtle cues that are easy to miss. If you get a bite do not react, no screaming no yelling, I know it’s hard but otherwise,…