Why does my parrot scream when I leave the room!
Parrots scream… we are all well aware of that. They can get loud! but if you read my other post about screaming you will know that generally vocalizations are your parrot trying to communicate something with you. How To Get A Parrot To Stop Screaming!?
Parrots screaming when you leave the room is a very common behaviour among parrots, there are many reasons for this and many solutions.
- you are their flock – they are just communicating with you. They are most likely just talking to you as you leave and they are reminding you that they are still here.
- They have nothing to do. This is where foraging toys come in very handy
- Birds who are alone and do not have the companionship of another parrot tend to do this more often than a bird who has a mate, since parrots are flock animals after all. Can you have a budgie/parakeet alone?
- Lack of exercise, if your bird has not gotten out to fly around and play around before you leave they could just be telling you “Hey I have all this energy”
- You got your bird all excited then left them in heightened state.
- foraging toys, your parrots will have less time to realize you are not around if they are foraging for their food.
- Parrot tv – this one is especially good for alone parrots
- Letting your parrots out to fly and play before you leave
- Leave the room when your parrots are calm and not super heightened
Your parrots will call a couple times when you first leave the room, that’s just how flocks of parrots communicate.
Ensure you never enter the room when your parrot is screaming or let them out of their cage when they are screaming because that just reinforces the screaming gets them what they want.
Want to learn more about Budgie birds? on optimal avian you can learn all kinds of information about Budgies like;
· What is a budgie
· Budgie vs parakeet
· How to tame a budgie
· How much do budgies cost
· How to take care of a budgie
· How long do budgies sleep
· How long do budgies live
· What are blood feathers
· Budgie cages
· Budgie toys
· Natural perches for budgies
And other information you will need to know if you plan to adopt a parakeet.