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Why does my parrot stand on one leg?

When I had my first budgie I remember looking at him perched on one foot all fluffed up sleeping thinking his foot fell off or something (I was young). Rest assure this is totally normal and if your bird is new to you and acting this way that’s amazing because it could be a sign they are comfortable with you

Reasons why parrots stand on one leg

Relaxation, generally paired with slow blinking beak clicking, a more puffed up posture maybe even their beak nestled into their back, head and overall body posture is lowered than regular posture. 

Quite a few parrots will be perched on one foot while sleeping. This is super common for them and nothing to worry about i assure you your bird will not fall over because of their tendons, Everyone immediately thinks wow they must have quite the muscles in their legs but it has nothing to do with their muscles!

Resting their legs/warming up their leg

parrots’ legs are designed to hold their body weight on one leg. this makes it very comfortable for them. think of it like after a long day of work you just want to kick your feet up and relax, This is essentially what they are doing.